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Project Task Manager - Google Sheets

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Project Task Manager - Google Sheets


Keep track of the hours you put onto a project

Find out how this handy tool can keep track of your daily tasks to track the hours you put into projects and even the billing for hourly rates.

What does the Project Task Manager Do?

✔ Track hours worked on a project.

✔ Get your total billing amount for set periods worked.

✔ Share your progress with your client or project manager.

✔ Create reports for selected periods.

✔ Help you work out your invoice amounts in seconds.

✔ See how much money 💰💰💰 you are earning per hour, daily, weekly, monthly and more!

✔ U.S. or U.K. Date formats.

✔ Get set up in minutes!

Let this Google Sheet do all the heavy lifting. Just enter what you are working on and your start and end time. The Google Sheet will handle the rest.

The best thing is that it is completely customisable and quick to integrate into your other Google Sheets to Google Workspace documents.

Who is this Google Sheets Project Manager Tool For?

✔ Freelancers

✔ Self-employed contractors

✔ Project Managers

✔ Students

Anybody who needs a fast way to keep track of their daily progress on projects with the minimum of fuss.

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U.S. Format Google Sheet Template
U.K. Format Google Sheet Template
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